APMI (African Poultry Multiplication Initiative)

Zambia, The Gambia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Tanzania, Zimbabwe / Improving Livelihoods, Capacity Building, Women's Empowerment

Since 2016, the World Poultry Foundation has been involved in the development and implementation of a unique program referred to as the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative.

Increasing Poultry Production and Productivity

By increasing access to improved low-input dual-purpose breeds that have been properly brooded, fed, and vaccinated; the APMI strives to increase productivity by at least 200% when compared to the local indigenous breeds.

Provide Sustainability

The APMI program is a long-term sustainable business model designed in a manner by which the providers of day-old chicks, feed manufacturers, brooders, and small-scale farmers receive their income from producing and selling poultry and eggs through the marketplace. The APMI is set up as a complete value chain whereby all participants realize profit. Our theory of change is that by setting up a system whereby no birds are given away or subsidized, the program will continue and grow after the WPF funding ceases.

Empowering Women

The goal of the APMI is to establish poultry enterprises primarily managed and operated by women. By enabling women’s collective action in poultry development and providing access to quality poultry inputs, the APMI should lead to increased women’s participation in poultry-related decisions and control over poultry-related assets. With time, this should enhance the status of women at the household and community level, as well as lead to positive spillover for women’s empowerment and gender parity more broadly. Our theory of change is that by providing access to low-input dual purpose birds, women will create agency initiatives to increase their decision making power in the household.