Operational Assistant, Atlanta Area, USA Part time Consultant Position Applications Due by January 26, 2024 The World Poultry Foundation (WPF) is seeking a motivated and organized individual to support a diverse range of operational and administrative needs. Location: Huntsville, Alabama or Atlanta, Georgia area (Preferred). Successful candidate should be located within a 4...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Jan de Jonge and Joe Antonio At the heart of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) lies a critical element - the supply chain. The APMI program hinges on efficient logistics for dual-purpose poultry (DPP) procurement, vaccine supply, feed ingredients, and distribution channels. A resilient supply chain ...
READThe board of directors of the World Poultry Foundation hereby go on record in commendation of Alan Habegger for his dedicated service that contributed to the formation of the World Poultry Foundation (WPF) by virtue of his leadership with the predecessor organization to the WPF, the USAPEEC International Poultry Development ...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Maureen Stickel and Jan de Jonge Developing a program that improves livelihoods and provides sustainable profit across a value chain requires accurate modeling, meticulous planning, and regular tracking. The African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) exemplifies this approach, focusing on developing a sustainable poultry model with far-reaching social ...
READA free mobile app for chicken farmers is set to make optimal poultry nutrition easier, while also helping farmers save money and improve profits. The FeedMixer App, now available on the Apple and Google Play Stores, is designed by poultry nutrition experts at the Poultry Science Department at the University ...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Maureen Stickel and Jan de Jonge Partner selection plays a crucial role in the success of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI). The selection process involves careful assessment and consideration of various factors to identify committed and capable partners who can drive the implementation of APMI effectively ...
READThis story is one in a series from Frances Chisholm highlighting stories of lives impacted by World Poultry Foundation programs and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad. We encourage you to learn more about Ms. Chisholm and our poultry projects in South Africa. “It’s very crucial to ...
READThis story is one in a series from Frances Chisholm highlighting stories of lives impacted by World Poultry Foundation programs and workshops both in the U.S. and abroad. We encourage you to learn more about Ms. Chisholm and our poultry projects in South Africa. “I learned to cut handling ...