Categories: APMI Series
By: Taylor Yess and Leelee Puthumile Ngwenya, Marketing Manager for Hybrid Poultry Farm The African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) is an ambitious program designed to address challenges in the poultry value chain in target countries. Through improved access to high-quality poultry inputs, sustainable practices, and capacity-building efforts, APMI empowers rural ...
READBy: Maureen Stickel and Tokozile Ngwenya At the World Poultry Foundation (WPF), establishing robust monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems is fundamental to our operations. We establish clear objectives, measurable indicators, and a baseline for ongoing assessment from the outset in each APMI country program. What sets the M&...
READBy: Jan de Jonge and Joe Antonyo One of the most powerful aspects of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) is its ability to adapt to the unique needs of each country while maintaining its overall value-chain and structure. The implementation of the APMI program in Sierra Leone and The ...
READBy: Eve Kamba and Joe Antonyo Training plays a crucial role in the success of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI), ensuring our partners are well-prepared for their roles and responsibilities. Our training program utilizes a structured framework consisting of needs assessments, resource development, capacity building, and monitoring and evaluation. ...
READBy: Eve Kamba, Maureen Stickel and, Jan de Jonge If you've been following the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) Blog series, you've walked through the intricacies of private sector partner selection, the complex planning stages, and the establishment of a robust supply chain. Now, our focus shifts to the crucial ...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Jan de Jonge and Joe Antonio At the heart of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) lies a critical element - the supply chain. The APMI program hinges on efficient logistics for dual-purpose poultry (DPP) procurement, vaccine supply, feed ingredients, and distribution channels. A resilient supply chain ...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Maureen Stickel and Jan de Jonge Developing a program that improves livelihoods and provides sustainable profit across a value chain requires accurate modeling, meticulous planning, and regular tracking. The African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI) exemplifies this approach, focusing on developing a sustainable poultry model with far-reaching social ...
READBy: Randall Ennis, Maureen Stickel and Jan de Jonge Partner selection plays a crucial role in the success of the African Poultry Multiplication Initiative (APMI). The selection process involves careful assessment and consideration of various factors to identify committed and capable partners who can drive the implementation of APMI effectively ...