Asked about the best part of the recent Hatchery Management course that she attended at South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal Poultry Institute, Fortunate Shivambu demurred, “Everything is imperative, everything is linked. You have to understand the whole process.” The young Hatchery operator, with a degree in Animal Production, a focus on ...
READPako Jood’s life took an unforeseen turn when he moved back to the family farm from his IT job in Johannesburg as South Africa entered its first hard COVID lockdown in early 2020. Years earlier, his father had bought an incubator to produce chicks for his broiler business, but the ...
READThe US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of training videos to help poultry farmers become more profitable with low-input dual-purpose breeds for both meat and eggs. Dual purpose breeds, which are produced through modern selective breeding, are more productive, faster growing, and better able to thrive off ...
READThe US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of training videos to help Africa’s poultry farmers raise healthier birds and so enhance both their profitability and their communities’ nutritional status. WPF CEO Randall Ennis says the video series was developed to support WPF’s key goals of ...
READAs part of the quarterly review, during the first two weeks of June WPF staff had the opportunity to visit the APMI program in Zimbabwe. We visited several villages where mother units were growing dual-purpose birds to 28 days, before selling them to neighboring households. Since the program only started three ...
READWPF training videos help Africa’s poultry farmers manage for success The US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of training videos to help Africa’s poultry farmers become more profitable through more effective record keeping and proper vaccination. The WPF, which has actively supported emerging poultry farmers ...
READUS-based WPF releases video series to help Africa’s farmers improve poultry production With poultry increasingly, a focus for emerging farmers across Africa, the US-based World Poultry Foundation (WPF) has released a series of training videos to help farmers reduce waste and optimize profits. Feed accounts for up to 70% of ...
READCurrently, the sole World Poultry Foundation-funded farm intern from South Africa in the US, Indiphile Bezana is drawing on a well of inner strength as she settles into life on a remote commercial poultry farm in the Arizona desert, a long way from the verdant pastures of home in South ...